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_ [linux][appli] X-CD Roast

 何となくxcdroastをrpm -bbででっち上げて、インストールしようとすると、

[root@linux nob]# rpm -ivh rpm/RPMS/i386/xcdroast-0.98alpha10-1.i386.rpm 
エラー: 依存性の欠如:
        cdrtools-cdrecordは xcdroast-0.98alpha10-1 に必要とされています
        cdrtools-mkisofsは xcdroast-0.98alpha10-1 に必要とされています
        cdrtools-cdda2wavは xcdroast-0.98alpha10-1 に必要とされています


 でsuして、rpm -ivh cdrtoos-*.rpm したけど、依存関係ではねられる。仕方がないので、src.rpmからリビルド中。ちゃんと出来るかなにゃ?


_ [linux][appli] Rael One Player for Unix


で、Googleでいろいろと探し回ったあげく、LinuxSA Mailing listなるものを発見。

1. Go to http://scopes.real.com/real/player/unix/unix.html
2. Fill out the form and (IMPORTANT) choose Linux 2.x (libc i386)
(Do not choose RPM, you cant download...)
3. click on "Download Community Supported Player"
4. Don't click on the normal download links. 
Go look at the very bottom of the page. You will see
"Real One Player for Unix - Preview Release
If you would like to try the Alpha version of RealOne Player for Linux 2.2 x86, 
use the button below."
5.) Click on that button and download.
6.) To make the installer executable, type the following at the shell 
script in the same directory it was downloaded to:
            chmod u+x r1p1_linux22_libc6_i386_a1.bin
7.) (Important step)...check in kde to see if the 
/home/username/.kde/share/applink/Multimedia directory exists. If it 
does not, simply create the directory.
8.) The last step is to execute the following command to get the wizzard 

 ユーザーネームとメールアドレスと記入し、「Download Community Supported Player」ボタンを押した後の画面の一番下に「Real One Player for Unix - Preview Release If you would like to try the Alpha version of RealOne Player for Linux 2.2 x86, use the button below.」っていうリンクがそれだ。普通わからんてっ!
